Monday, February 15, 2010

Planning the Vacation

I decided to write this blog so everyone, who wants to, can keep up with us before, during and after our upcoming vacation the Grand Canyon area of the southwest. The Walsh sisters, me, Susan Gallagher, and Lisa Wood along with kids and one husband are going to drive through the American Southwest.

This is going to be an interesting trip because there are going to be 7 of us, 4 adults and 3 kids in the car. Luckily the car is a Suburban and supposedly seats 7 adults and 4 pieces of luggage. I promist to pack light.

We made the most important hotel reservations today, the Best Western just outside of the Grand Canyon (2 nights) and The View Hotel in the Monument Valley(1 night). The view is by far the most interesting hotel on our trip.

The View sits below "The Mittens" butte inside the Navajo Reservation in the Monument Valley. We all upgraded our rooms so we are on the top floor. The allows of great views of the Mittens and surrounding areas. I thought this hotel was featured in the last James Bond movie but I was wrong. That hotel was in South America and really isn't a hotel.

We are still trying to decide where to stay for the other 3 nights. So many places to see and not enough time. Stayed tuned for more info. Let me know if you have any suggestions

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