Sunday, August 15, 2010

Weekend Dive August 14th Folly Cove

Great Weekend for Diving! The weather was wonderful this weekend. It was clear and sunny on both days.

Saturday, August 14th

We had a full boat of 6 people. We went North up the Annisquam River because the wind was coming from the south side of the cape. We went to Folly Cove because Chris was teaching a student. We dropped the two of them off at the beach and then anchored the boat at AR/ER. These are letters that have been spray painted onto the wall. The letters have been there since before I started diving in 1994.

I jumped in and used the down line to get to the bottom. We were shallow and I was floaty. Probably because I still had some air in my dry suit. I went back to the boat for another 5 lbs. I was too heavy but at least I was down. I hadn't taken any sudafed so I was afraid my ears would not clear.

Lots of small fish (cunners) and green crabs. Looked at the lobsters but they seemed small so I didn't even try to catch them. I did get 2 sand dollar. I was in for about 20 minutes. Grabbed an apple while I sat waiting for the other divers to come back. Noticed Chris was bringing her student back on the surface. He was facedown looking into the ocean. Chris was on her back pulling the inflatable. Decided to swim over to them and see if I could help.

Before jumping in I pumped my drysuit up with some air. I reached them and asked Chris if she needed anything and she asked if I would help take Jon's weight belt off and put it in the inflatable. Unfortunately I had to toss my apple in order to get the belt into the boat. Then Jon, Chris and I towed the inflatable back to the boat.

Dive number 2 - The Restaurant at Folly Cove

I didn't want to push my ears beyond their breaking point so I decided to sit this one out. However I was starving, no breakfast, and didn't want to chips and crackers. Decided to swim to the restuarant and bring some lunch back to the boat. I had to take the inflatable because it was the only way to get the food back dry. I swam over in my dry suit, hat, sunglasses and fins. I dragged the boat up out of the water and climbed up the rocks to the restaurant. The other patrons were surprised, the kids were curious and the dogs weren't really sure what to make of me. I went around front and placed my order. I wasn't sure who else was going to be eat so I got 2 hot dogs, french fries and a salad. I was overheating from the sun so I found some shade to sit in while waiting for the order. I didn't want to sit inside since I was still wet. I carried the food back down the rocks and gently placed it in inflatable. I was slightly worried when I came back becuase the tide was coming in and the inflatable was now in the water. Put my fins on and swam back to the boat. I loved it!!!

Dives 21

Lobsters 10


  1. If you went through all that trouble for lunch then I vote yes! Log it!
